New design of Pre-Filter section in Cubase 11.0.20

Thanks for commenting, hopefully both workflows can be amalgamated in the near future, the auto-on workflow makes especial sense when you think about a integrating a hardware controller without needing to off/on switch… And I think this would be a fantastic workflow in both the Channel Editor PreFilter AND EQ, as well as in the MixConsole PreFilter AND EQ section.

And again…

It’s time for Cubase EQ section to Grow Up.
Limited 4 band.
Auto Sloping cutoff when activated.
4 curves only and only on 1 & 4!?
2 &3 Have ONLY 2 para settings!?

Is this 2022 or what?
The EQ section is one of the most important parts of music production and Cubase is still in 1995 with it.

Which console EQ in the world has more than that?

An API 550a has 3 band non-parametric with fixed filters. Entire records have been made with these. How many DAWs have even a built in EQ channel strip? wasn’t Cubase one of the first? Maybe I’m mistaken on that, but I don’t recall ProTools, Logic, or Ableton having built in channel EQ.

The EQ correlates to the different GUI types - digital/slider vs the analog style GUI. They couldn’t change one without changing the other, and the analog GUI doesn’t have the space to include a full featured everything EQ you are suggesting.

This is a meant to be more of a quick balancing mix EQ, than a fixing EQ, nothing to do with growing up - more to do with professional workflow and work ethic…

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I literally said 1995 and your example is an api550a? lol…
I recorded back in the 80’s & 90’s on consoles etc… so I understand the point you’re trying to make but no. it’s 2022, let’s get things up to speed a little. Because it was done like this in 1968 isn’t the answer.
If they made it a 6 band each w assignable cutoff etc…and you could still use it as a 3 band if that’s the choice you like. Giving us more flexibility and control right from the DAW without extra plugins is a choice I want.

It seems to pop up once in a while how people have a negative opinion on something someone else wants.
Why would anyone give a damn if it doesn’t affect their workflow?

IOW, Give us more options. Why be stuck w/3 bands when you can have 6 and make more people happy.

Last time I checked, API is still selling 550a and 1608 consoles, apart from being fully parametric, an SSL Duality EQ isn’t much different and certainly, not much different than Cubase channel EQ. And, it’s still being done like this is 2021 depending on what type of music and which engineer/producer/studio. Good things don’t have to change.

I think it’s easy to always come up with these"more is better what could go wrong" ideas - but what about for example, interfacing. Things like Nuage, Softtube Console 1, etc - a lot of these are based around a simpler console channel EQ and are designed relative to that.

I think it makes more sense to just have simple mix changes on the console, and more complicated changes contained in the inserts section.

If you find yourself always needing more bands, then I would suggest creating a template with a 3rd party EQ or one of Steinbergs insert EQs one every channel which is what I have done for my Sonnox EQ as well as Eiosis Air EQ.

I pretty much only use the MixConsole channel EQ during tracking to do some quick balancing without bogging things down with inserts.

One thing I’d like to see however, is to be able to move the current channel EQ to be post fader/inserts for the purpose of being a final mix tweak balancing EQ after all the insert FX.

But this is all very off topic from this thread so I don’t wish to continue here, you should have created a new thread for your post which really has nothing to do with what’s going on wit this thread.

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So, I finally used the “Save as Default Preset” to keep the Pre-Filters ON by default (as I loved how super easy this worked on Cubase 10). BUT! My problem now is, the audio level peaks LOUDER with the Pre-Filters ON. Is this normal?
Below are 2 examples of the same track with and without Pre-Filters activated, no inserts, no eq’s etc. the difference is almost 3 dB !
So if I leave the Pre-Filters ON in the default preset, it will also activate them on the Stereo Out track, which will get me louder peaks even on the Stereo Out.
The heck…?

I guess it’s caused by the phase shifts introduced by the natural phase HP/LP filters. To avoid this, you could use the linear phase filters of Frequency 2 for example.