NotePerformer 4 Released

On MacOS 13.3.1, M1 Max. Samples are stored on external TB drive. The file paths are working in Synchron Player, and instruments seem to be loading properly NPPE, but Dorico is not connecting. I don’t see the software indicator on the bottom of the window.

EDIT: And everything is running AS native

I messed up. The Mac installer had the old NotePerformer component and the new NPPE component.

Please try redownloading now (the same links will do).

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Works now. Thanks for the excellent support.

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After installing this update, my Dorico on M1 MacBook Air couldn’t connect to NPPE, and there was no icon displayed on the bottom right corner of NPPE. I have rolled back to the previous version and am looking forward to having these issues fixed.

I’ve updated the Mac installer (again) and I think the problem is resolved if you re-download with the same links.


Hello, I have successfully connected to Dorico now! Thank you so much for your hard work. I really appreciate it!

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Today, Apple released a version of Logic for the iPad.

Will NotePerformer also be available on the iPad platform soon?

Now it works! Thank you!


Thank you so much for the quick fix!!! :slightly_smiling_face:

Unfortunately, no.

I was one of the first VST/AU developers on the iOS platform, so I’ve done the whole lap. Maintaining iOS apps is as time consuming as a desktop application. The reality is that I don’t have the time or capacity to maintain an application outside of NotePerformer/NPPE for the platforms we support today.


Alright then, I hope you can focus all your efforts on NotePerformer for the computer and keep making it excellent! Looking forward to its next update.

well, I DO want the marcato articulations to be louder.
but they sound a bit funny when they’re too long.

If an instrument is missing from a library in NPPE will NP4/NPPE try to use some other instrument from the same library, or will it use an NP4 built-in instrument? Is the logic behind the choice the same for all playback engines, for example BBC SO Core and Pro?

I’m trying to decide between BBCSO Pro and BBCSO Core Playback Engines. Pro will obviously use more memory but give me better sound quality. With 64GB RAM I can barely handle a fully loaded BBCSO Pro but if I load a Pro sound set comparable to a full Core sound set I have some margins and the loading time isn’t that much longer; 20%-40% longer; differing quite a bit from one run to another (I noticed that when loading Core, after the progress bar finish, it takes at least as long time before the rotating arrows disappear. With Pro the rotating arrows finish much faster.)

Everything falls back to NotePerformer’s default sounds if there’s no NPPE slot. For example, you can use NPPE to only replace a single instrument in NotePerformer.

We intended the BBSO Professional template to be everything the Core template was and more. I didn’t know that BBC Professional used more memory for the Mix 1 perspective. I’m speculating, but Mix 1 might be generated on the fly from the other microphones rather than downloading a bounced microphone perspective.

I just had a look at a random sample file in Pro and Core (AUNTIE_HORN_LONGMUTED_NONVIB_MI01_01.spitfire) and for whatever it’s worth the corresponding file sizes are exactly the same in Pro and Core. Even the file name is the same, indicating Mix1. So this suggests that Pro Mix1 is not generated on the fly.

I have BBC SO core and when playing back via NPPE strings with slurred notes the note transitions sound “portamento” rather than legato. Especially at high tempos this is very noticeable, and with fast counterpoint of several string parts the result becomes “muddy”.
Also the dynamics with BBC SO seem to vary. The audio directly from NP sound more defined to me.

Is this “normal”?

Screenshot from Dorico:

NP direct:


There’re mix1 samples files in the BBCSO Pro folder, so I think it’s just that the pro version uses more ram. I noticed that issue in my DAW template as well.

That’s normal. NotePerformer is a synthesizer and renders legato with digital perfection.

BBCSO is notes and phrases recorded with the BBC Symphonic Orchestra in their natural seating. Your example musical phrase crossfades between 10-15 isolated recordings.

Slur the whole phrase to trigger legato for it all and it’ll sound better. It’s just that BBCSO won’t simulate bowing in between the slurred notes in a musical way.

sounds like you haven’t installed today’s update… :slight_smile: