Let’s use this thread to report 3rd party plugin issues that occur within WaveLab.
Be sure to post your systems specs, if you have tried both VST2 and VST3 versions (and note any differences), where/how you insert the plugin (master section, clip, track, montage output), and any other useful info to reproduce the problem.
Also, make note if you’ve contacted the plugin manufacturer. Some of us on here do beta testing for 3rd party plugin companies and might be able to expedite a response or ideally a fix.
It’s no secret that WaveLab is more sensitive to 3rd party plugin issues than Cubase/Logic/Pro Tools so let’s try to keep this thread to facts only rather than debating who is responsible. One thing I’ve learned from using REAPER and the transparency of their beta/pre-releases is that there is some responsibility on both parties to maintain a bug-free experience.
While I agree that this job should really be the part of some paid beta testers (on both sides), the reality is that it’s currently not (for the most part) so let’s make the best of it.
Tokyo Dawn Labs - NOVA EQ (Gentlemen’s Edition) VST2 (they don’t offer VST3) on OS X 10.11.6
This plugin has the magnetic cursor issue where sometimes even though you have moved the mouse cursor to another location, the last touched knob/parameter is still selected and is therefore accidentally adjusted. This can be dangerous in the event of large jumps in level for a certain band or overall output.
TDL is aware of the issue but neither party seems to agree on the cause or a plan to find a resolution.
I have not tried any of their other plugins to know if they also have the issue.
Kazrog Clip VST2 (they don’t offer VST3) on OS X 10.11.6
This plugin has the magnetic cursor issue where sometimes even though you have moved the mouse cursor to another location, the last touched knob/parameter is still selected and is therefore accidentally adjusted. This can be dangerous in the event of large jumps in level for a certain band or overall output.
Kazrog is aware of the issue but neither party seems to agree on the cause or a plan to find a resolution.
I have not tried any of their other plugins to know if they also have the issue.
Sonnox SuperEsser VST2 (they don’t offer VST3) on OS X 10.11.6
There are some performance issues with this plugin on playback and rendering. When a certain amount of latency is reached, there will be an audio dropout near the start of playback, as well as near the start of a file rendering operation which is the ultimate deal-breaker.
Sonnox is aware of the issue and says it will be fixed in an upcoming beta and eventual maintenance update.
Thanks. These have been reported to the Plugin Alliance Beta Forum Moderator and in theory, will eventually be fixed by the plugin developer (unless PG finds a way to fix sooner on the WaveLab side).
SSL Vocalstrip VST3 version 5.1.1 plug-in produces silence upon rendering. Plug-in inserted in the Master section. (VST2.4 Vocalstrip renders OK).
PC W7/10 WL Pro 9.0.35
Eiosis AirEQ Premium VST2:
“Error reported by plug-in Eiosis AirEQ Premium 5.1:
At this insertion point, the plug-in cannot accept the number of input channels.”
direct crash of WL when loading the Eiosis AirEQ Premium VST3 version
OSX 10.11.6, WL9Pro (9.0.35), Master Section
I also get the error message when trying to use the 5.1 version but I’m not certain the 5.1 should be used in WaveLab anyway. I admit that I have very little experience with anything beyond stereo routing/processing in WaveLab though.
I just stick with the stereo version and never use the 5.1 version of AirEQ.
The latest VST3 version is stable here on OS X 10.11.6
Ok, I was short in description. I have the same version here already - but thanks for the link. IMO the surround versions shouldn’t act like this - they don’t in Nuendo/Cubase.
Ok, the crash of the VST3 version is not reproducible right now - but it was the case. Wasn’t it you, who wrote about the somewhat erratic behaviour of plug ins in WL? To restart the app every time for checking out plug ins would be to much really - maybe plug ins render WL unstable somewhat and it has consequences later with other plug ins?
This all is very unfortunate and a time consuming mess.