PreSonus FaderPort 2 (2018) midi remote script

I will try to explain what I mean with “maintain the touch mode” while writing automation feature request.

Recording automation with mouse:
I set write automation in a track.
I open the volume automation lane.
I press play.
I click and hold the channel fader and the automation lane changes to red.
While I have the mouse button pressed the automation lane remain red even if i do not move the mouse and records any mouse movement.
When I release the mouse button, the automation lane returns to the track color and stops recording.

Recording automation with faderport:
I set write automation in a track.
I open the volume automation lane.
I press play.
I touch the fader and the automation track lane changes to red, and records my fader movements.
BUT, if I stop moving the fader keeping my finger on it, the automation lane returns to track color and stops recording.
It should continue recording until I take my finger off the fader.
The automation track lane should be red while my finger is touching the fader.

This is my “feature request”. May be this is not possible to change due to a hardware limitation.

Thanks for your invaluable help with this driver.

Hi Lluís,
I have just seen here also that the red color disappears when I release the fader, but here the recording does not stop, so this is no problem for me.
It seems that our settings are different.
Maybe you delete all program settings per starting Cubase with Ctrl-Alt-Shift to delete all Cubase Preferences, because that’s what I just did, so with my test the factory settings were set. In my test I used an empty project with only one empty audio track without content.

Best regards


I speak about automation recording not audio recording.

In this video there are two parts.
1.- I move the fader with the mouse pressing and holding the mouse button until the end.
2.- I move the presonus fader with my finger on it until the end.

It is so difficult for me to explain it clearly with my poor English.
I reset all settings for this test.

Yes, I did automation recording. I saw the same on my screen as in your video, but here the recording of the automation does not stop, when I use the PreSonus fader. When I release the fader while the automation recording, the automation recording continous and the value from the moment, where I released the fader, remains maintained and does not jump to zero or anything else.

[my installed version is Cubase 12.0.70]

Hello Volker,
I had a similar situation now.
If you work with the script, you must not define the FaderPort as a Mackie Device in Cubase. Cubase connects the FaderPort only via the script in the MIDI Remote Mode and not as a Mackie Device (MCU Mode). This means that the connection is made simply by Cubase finding the script in the appropriate folder.
Best regards


Your wish was granted with the latest update today [24.08.2023], hegerber. :sunglasses:
PreSonus FaderPort 2 (2018) midi remote script - Cubase - Steinberg Forums



In Mackie mode the fader records automation the same way than with a mouse.
The automation lane stays red while i am touching the fader.

Is there a way to do the same with “midi Remote” mode?

Thanks for your work,

Hi Lluís,
as far as I have an insight into MIDI Remote, I don’t see any way to be able to influence it with the script.
I think I read here in the forum once that in previous patches of Cubase 12 there were various problems with the handling of faders when using MIDI Remote. Possibly not all problems or differences have been fixed yet and there are therefore actually currently a few differences to the Mackie Mode. But as I said, for me it is not a problem if only the color changes when recording automation data, because here on my system the data is recorded correctly.

Best regards

I reset all settings and I have the same behavior.
I do not find parameters to be set in preferences related with automation.
I only find the automation panel, and nothing seems to be helpful on it to fix this behavior.

I’ve seen that the fader sends a “finger in” (note on 104 velocity: 127 Channel: 1) and “finger out” (note on 104 velocity: 0 Channel: 1) and the pitch bends for the position in between.

I will need to wait for Steinberg to improve midi scripts in 12.5 or 13 release, my be. :slightly_frowning_face:
That’s all, thanks.

I recall a discussion about this here: How to deal with motorised faders - #17 by ggmanestraki

Unfortunately I don’t have motorised faders to give this thing a try, however, @CKB, if you can replicate the issue described, a way to do this is to “abuse” the remote by setting a customVar to reactivate write, when it gets deactivated but the fader is still pushed.

To be able to replicate the problem better, does anyone else here also have such problems with the motorized fader when recording the automation of volume?

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Thanks a lot for your work making the faderport driver better, but this is not your job, and you are doing it for free.
Steinberg’s midi remote api is still in the first release, I hope it could be improved in Cubase 13 that could be released before the end of the year.
I think could be a nonsense to spend time to develop a workaround to fix the limitation of fader object. I’m sure that can be done because Mackie mode does, but we should wait to midi remote api v2.

There are Steinberg people reading…isn’t it?

Thanks again @CKB

I have all my template projects max level set to -12dB and “Master” double press do not work as expected.

With this setting, the CR 0dB level must to be set to 0.75.
var CRLevelValue_0dB = 0.75

This setting:
var CRLevelValue_0dB = 0.789086580276489
sets the CR knob to 1.95dB


Hi Lluís,

yes, I have seen it this morning too, after I switched this setting to +12 dB.
Unfortunately there is still a gerneral double-pressing-bug in the latest version.

But I might post a major update here today, in which the bug is fixed and with which you can also make the setting for +6 dB or +12 dB further up in the script at one place manually a bit easier yourself.

With the next update a big Custom Mode will be added, in which you can also assign up to 16 Cubase functions individually to the FaderPort.

Best Regards
CKB :innocent:

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To use Faderport, Cubase should be set to +12dB. If not, the fader seems uncalibrated. At 0dB it is not centered over the U.

Changing from +6db to +12db:


This is a known “problem” and it is not possible to solve it yet. If you choose MCU Mode (PreSonus Factory Setup for Cubase) for the connection from the FaderPort to Cubase, you will have the same situation. Maybe there will be another firmware update for the FaderPort at some point.
I generally don’t look too closely at the scale on the device, so I don’t care.
You have to decide whether you prefer the better scaling with a maximum of +12 dB or the better centering at 0 dB with a maximum of +6 dB (= that’s how I do it).
Ok, now someone could ask if I could not bend the error with the script to correct it… Maybe, but I don’t program something like that on principle. :sunglasses:

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Christine, I’d like to thank you for your hard work. I recently purchased a FaderPort 2 and it was pretty much useless in Cubase 12, but I found your script, “installed it” and the FaderPort has been working perfectly since then, thanks to you.

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Thank you very much, osanan.

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Hi all, here comes a new update of the script.

after the implementation of the EQ mode, the adjustment possibilities of the click level, set pan to center and set CR master volume to 0 dB, I have now implemented a Custom Mode, in which you can assign up to 18 Cubase Functions individually to the FaderPort.

By pressing the Channel Button 2x on the Main Page you activate the Custom Mode.
While the Custom Mode is active, the Shift LED is flashing and the LED of the Next Button and the LED of the Prev Button light up, so that you can clearly see that you are in the Custom Mode.
You can leave the Custom Mode by pressing the Shift Button; after that you will be in the Pan Mode back on the Main Page.

While the Custom Mode is active, the functionalities of the Transport Section and the Footswitch Section are available and the motorized fader is assigned as to modify the value under mouse.

The following 18 Buttons are availabe for to assign to a Cubase Function:

  1. Solo
  2. Mute
  3. Arm
  4. Bypass
  5. Touch
  6. Write
  7. Read
  8. Prev (>> preloaded: Undo)
  9. Press Knob
  10. Next (>> preloaded: Redo)
  11. Link
  12. Pan
  13. Channel (>> preloaded: Exit to Main Page)
  14. Scroll
  15. Master
  16. Click (>> preloaded: Quantize Panel)
  17. Section
  18. Marker

The rotate functionality of the knob is not available in the Custom Mode, so if you need it, you have to use the activate knob for value under mouse function on the Shift Page.

For to assign Custom Buttons of the FaderPort to Cubase Functions, you must use the MIDI Remote Mapping Assistant of Cubase and there choose PreSonus FP2 CUSTOM as the Mapping Page. The mapping there works by selecting the FaderPort Button and choosing a Cubase Function from the Functions Browser. If you do this, it would be good, if you limit yourself to the functions under Key Command Mapping.
Note: For the assigned Custom Buttons, the LEDs on the FaderPort remain off. And please use only the FaderPort for to switch between the Mapping Pages of the script and do it not in Cubase when your normal workflow is going on. This is important, because the script only works properly if the Mapping Pages are called in a certain order.

This update also fixes a few bugs within the new double-click functions (in Pan Mode and CR Volume Mode).

Also there is something else that Lluís had already pointed out today:
If Volume Max in the Other Project Settings of Cubase is set to +12 dB (not +6 dB) you must change a value of a variable manually in the script.
For that you have to open the file PreSonus_FaderPort.js with an editor (like Editor in Windows) and change the code at line 48 from

var CRLevel_Value_0dB = 0.78908658


var CRLevel_Value_0dB = 0.74828

for to adjust the handling of the rotation knob with the Volume Max setting.

Addendum (2nd update) - 28.08.2023
I also fixed some bugs in the lock current value functionality.
Note: The lock function also remembers for which track the value was locked. So if a track-specific value is locked and then the track is changed, it may be that later when calling the function activate knob for value under mouse again you have the impression that there is an error, when the still locked (hidden) value belongs to a different track as shown.
Note: A locked value under mouse will be unlocked, if you choosed a custom function before activcating the knob for value under mouse again.

I added also another function:
toggle lock current value under mouse with button, so you can now decide for yourself whether you want to perform the lock function by pressing the rotate knob or by pressing the Channel button.

Addendum (3rd update) - 30.08.2023
Last but not least, I was able to implement a functionality that I had wished for from the very beginning, namely the possibility to toggle with Shift + Arm whether the recording status for all audio tracks is armed or unarmed. This sounds simple, but Cubase offers only two different command functions for this and no toggle function. In the meantime, however, I have made some more progress with the programming of MIDI Remote, so that it was possible for me to combine these two commands as a toggle function on one button.

Shift + Arm is therefore now assigned as follows:
toggle arm all / unarm all audio tracks

Addendum (4th update) - 31.08.2023
I have now assigned some few functions to the Custom Mode as defaults. To the Prev button I have now assigned the Undo function, to the Next button the Redo function (this is also how the FaderPort is labeled), to the Click button the Quantize Panel and to the Channel button a second way back to the Main Page. So if you don’t want to deal with Cubase’s MIDI Remote Mapping Assistant yet, you already get a few extra functions with this defaults.

I also have (two) new functions to improve the workflow for you: For me and I think for you too, it is often the case when working, that you are switching between zoom and scroll. For this I found it suitable, that if you press 2x the Scroll button, you jump to the Zoom Mode and accordingly if you press 2x the Zoom button, you jump to the Scroll Mode, because Scroll and Zoom are a bit like brother and sister, where pressing the Shift button in between is a bit annoying. I call this function toggle zoom / scroll. I like it, because with this you can move between the Main Page and the Shift Page just with the buttons of the Middle Section. Otherwise the Shift button would be the first to break in 20 years… :wink:

Addendum (5th update) - 04.09.2023
Some other bugs were fixed within the new double-click functions.

I hope you like all this… :innocent:

The zip-file contains the new version of the script (4007 lines) and the new version of the functional overview.

Best regards


[ No file here in this reply, because there is a newer version available in the forum. ]


Thank you for your brilliant work Christine, this script is getting better and better!