PreSonus FaderPort 2 (2018) midi remote script

14.0.5 works at least as well as 13.0.41 for me. The fader problems are gone. So far I have had one instance of the script not connecting at start-up. I’ll try to open and close some old and start some new projects today and see how big the problem is. It might be related to the use of templates for me as well. I haven’t added two and two together before, but there might be something there. So that’s a GO from me as well! :slight_smile:


Hi @tommyrack
I work with templates and the script is loaded properly each time I use the template.
It’s true that sometimes the script is not fully loaded, and I need to reload it, but is not usual.
In my workflow I use to record singers of a whole show. To do this I work with one singer per session that sings all its songs. I open and close a lot of projects in one session… Sometimes the controller do not fully start and I to reload it too.

I think it could be helpful that the controllers were associated with the computer and not with the project. This could be a feature request, may be.


After opening and closing and starting a whole lot of projects, the conclusion is that the connection problems has almost gone away on my system. I had to refresh the remote control device twice by hitting the reload scripts button under scripting tools in the lower zone. You might have to hit the cogwheel to make that menu visible in the midi remote tab in the lower zone.
There is also a keyboard shortcut for reloading the scripts, but unfortunately that doesn’t work for me unless the Midi Remote Editor is open (and not always then either), making it rather useless in my opinion.
I used to have to disable the script first and then reload it when it failed to connect, so this is still a big improvement for me.
Both times the script failed to load properly were in old projects using templates, so there might be something there.



The main point at which the issue seems to occur is if the project is saved (and subsequently closed) when the Faderport controller page is on anything other than the default Pan page that the script boots up with. Otherwise, I haven’t been methodical enough to keep a log of specific issues (but I will endeavour to do so from this point).



Then we should always switch to the Pan Mode for a while before saving, closing or changing a project or template. If the error then never occurs, we would have a hint that Steinberg might be able to use for troubleshooting within MIDI Remote… :wink:


I’ve also read elsewhere that various problems disappeared when new projects only were created in the current Cubase version. When using templates, I also recommend this from Cubase 14 onwards because Steinberg has changed the file structure in Cubase 14 - as I understand it. This means that everything should actually be compatible, but in very rare cases, this is sometimes not the case in practice and we have just such a case here.

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CKB, I assume you are also testing the next update of the fp-wizard script with Cubase 14. Am I right? I hope there are no problems with that. :grinning:

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Yes, of course. This has also resulted in some adjustments to Cubase 14, as a new track type ‘drums’ has been added in Cubase 14. There have been no more problems since November 17.

But since Steinberg will probably release new versions of Cubase 13 and Cubase 14 soon, I want to wait until then to test the new version of fp-wizard with these versions as well. I also need some free time for the documentation… :wink:


hello I just wanted to say I am incredibly grateful for this, it works perfectly on cubase 13 + 14 and has massively improved my workflow! cheers.


Hi Werner,
Just curious, this is such a long thread on the PreSonus script, is there a post or site that has your latest version?


Hi PaulieDC,
maybe you find Werners latest version on his website.

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Thought I should mention …
I am on Cubase 14 and using latest version of script.
Often the Faderport looses connection due to various reasons e.g. load another song etc. In these circumstances a quick unload and reload script sorts this out. Lately I have a different issue. Something becomes corrupt and whilst the fader and top section buttons are all functional , I am unable to use master, click, pan etc. which also do not light and the jog wheel is also unfunctional. Curiously Link is functional but does not light.
If I open a new project all is good. If I transfer pool and arrangement etc to a new project all is well again.
In the lyrics of Doctor Strangely Strange “Strangely Strange but oddly normal”

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Hi PaulieDC,
Christian (CKB) has been working on the script since 2023 and made it huge and extensive. You can find the latest version of his script here: :grin:

But he said that there will be a new version soon. I understood CKB to say that he wants to test his next version with the next updates of Cubase 13 and Cubase 14, because the current ones (Cubase 13.0.50 and Cubase 14.0.5) still have too many bugs and Steinberg will therefore become active soon (hopefully).


I can confirm both issues you explain.

When it becomes corrupt, I delete the file
and restart Cubase.
This file is in this folder for windows users:
C:\Users[User folder]\Documents\Steinberg\Nuendo\MIDI Remote\User Settings

I use to open and close a lot of projects in one recording day.

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Thanks, unfortunately hasn’t worked for me.

LluisV the more I thought about this it could not be the issue. As outlined above if I open a new project the Faderport becomes fully responsive. If I transfer data to pool etc to a new project Faderport is OK also. Therefore the corruption must be in the individual project.

Thanks CKB already was unchecked


Maybe this helps:

Disconnect the connections between Cubase and ‘DirectMusic’ devices if the connection to the FaderPort is sometimes lost:

Studio > Studio Setup > MIDI Port Setup > uncheck Use Device ‘Directmusic’

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I’ve read elsewhere, that some users have still some issues like this.
So maybe it will be fixed by Steinberg within the next update of Cubase.

I had same issue in Cubase 13 just never thought to highlight this.

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