Stream Deck macro keypad

Ah yes, of course now most of my keyboard cannot be used for the normal typing any longer. It’s a problem really. Looks like I will have to create my own shortcuts if I want to use Notation Express. I will see how this can be done when I have vacation :slight_smile:

Hi Andre. Well, I’m glad we got to the bottom of the problem, even as we created another one. :slight_smile:

I wish I was able to support multiple languages/layouts officially. For now it’s enough of a challenge getting everything working correctly on Windows and Mac, Dorico and Sibelius.

If you manage to get it working well with your native setup, please let us know.

I will see if I can adjust the shortcuts needed for a Swedish keyboard. In the mean time, where is the key signature change button? I cannot find it. I do see 2 empty spots though, are they supposed to be there?

Nope, I have the same “holes”, but… shift-K should work :wink:
I don’t use the Stream Deck for such well thought after functions, I think the keyboard shortcuts are better (and if I don’t have the Stream Deck with me, I still shall use them so…)

Yes, I am so fast with my muscle memory that I wonder to be honest, how much I will use the app :slight_smile: Although I like the shiny icons.

That’s one of the folders that’s virtually identical in the Sibelius version of Notation Express. The “holes” are where, in the Sibelius version, Philip has Metronome Mark and Rehearsal Mark (restart). I envisaged a user-base for Notation Express for Dorico that included a fair number of people who are switching from Sibelius (or have to use both programs, and who are already using the Notation Express for Sibelius, so that’s why the holes are where they are: Dorico doesn’t differentiate between textual tempo markings and metronome markings, and it can’t easily restart rehearsal marks (at least not without some extra fiddling in the Properties panel).

I actually had a back-and-forth with Leo about whether we should include key signatures and in the end decided against it, since most people aren’t changing key signatures all that often. This was before the XL came out, though, with all that space, so I might be inclined to give it a second look… for now you can certainly add the popover shortcut on your own and I’d be happy to work up an icon for it.

I give it a try. How do I create a hotkey on a button?

Got it to work:

Here’s an icon for you. I’m not sure that the Tempo Text folder is the right place for it, but hey, why not for now, until (unless) it’s properly included.

Just a brief update to say that I’ve created several more icons, including some transport controls, letter names for note input, and other miscellanies.

Got my Stream Deck XL this week and just purchased Notation Express (didn’t open it up to now). I got NE mainly for the icons as I know that it’s optimized for English keyboards and the mid sized Stream Deck. And meanwhile I have a couple of own Dorico key commands I want to keep.
But just before I start to get lost in customisation: Will there be soon a Notation Express version for the XL? Or does it already work with the XL?

Philip and I have discussed it. I’ll have a chance to give it further thought by the end of next week - June thus far has been a bit too busy…

Ok, thanks for the info!

Thank you Dan. I’ve made use of some of those. Finally got my SD profile to just include the things I won’t do from the keyboard.

Thanks, Philip, looks much better.

btw. How can I save all the changes I make so I don’t lose them when I need to reinstall things? So the icons and new short cuts?

In rhe Stream Deck configuration app, you can export profiles. So it’s quite easy to export and backup :wink:

Thanks, Dan.

A couple more icons, this time for some German lyric entry. :slight_smile:

I also added the French special characters (the ones that aren’t on the English keyboard, I mean), as well as several characters I use often:

  • en and em dashes
  • copyright symbol
  • curly quotes and apostrophe (instead of tick marks)