What is with the Rulers problem? known issue?

On my projects, I move from Bar-beats and TC.
with the trail of Nuendo 10 (yes I’m still in Demo), I find that I change from TC to Bar beat and it keeps going back to TC every time. I save project as Bar beat and when open up it in TC ruler again.

This is soo annoying.

Is this an issue or am I doing something wrong?

I’m sorry to inform you that it’s a long-lasting bug.

After testing this, I don’t see any issue here in Nuendo 10. Ruler choices seem to be retained. What bug are you referring to? What are the precise steps to make this bug happen?

I can not exactly reproduce the bug at this moment but since I am a Nuendo user (from v5) I randomly experience that when I save a template with (a lot of) ruler tracks in a certain format, close it, then create a new project with ruler tracks in a different format, then the saved template will have the ruler tracks’ format changed when opened.
This is what I posted when it happened to me (it still happens a couple of times a week… :frowning: )

Niek/ Amsterdam

OK I’ll take a look and report back if I see the bug.


This morning I experienced it again:
My template has a lot of ruler tracks, and most of them were saved in TIMECODE-format as well as the Main Time Format.
Before I opened my template this morning I was working on a musical project on the same computer yesterday, which has the Main Time Format in BARS AND BEATS.
When I opened my template this morning, all of my ruler tracks and the Main Time Format were set to BARS AND BEATS.

Curious if someone else is experiencing this.

thanks again.
Niek/ Amsterdam.


I don’t know if this relates to your issue, but for me, both Nuendo (still on 8) and Cubase (9.5) don’t save the ruler format with the song - I regularly switch between Bars/Beats and Time in different projects, and I often find when I open a project I previously set to one format, that it’s changed to the other.

I mentioned it in the Cubase forum a while back and Martin Jirsak responded that there’s a pref to control this behaviour, but I wasn’t able to find it.

Thanks for sharing this ffg,

Yeah, I am more and more starting to believe (with you) that Nuendo doesn’t save its rulers format with the template.
Which, I think, is a huge omission and very annoying when you have a template with several ruler tracks which need to be re-set to their correct format when they got automatically (but wrongly) set by Nuendo after a project with a different “Main Ruler Format” was opened…
How do you deal with that?

If I were a developer @ Steinberg, I would at least implement an option where one could link the rulers’ format to the Main Rulers’ Time Format.
And, you are right: there is no pref yet which lets you do that now.

Thanks again,
Niek/ Amsterdam