I’m sure that this has been asked and answered here before (I couldn’t find anything that was both recent and helpful on the rest of The Internets), but the Forum’s search engine won’t allow searches for the most important words in my questions, so please forgive any redundancy…
I’m living a relatively happy and stable life with Cubase Pro 9.5.41 on a Win 10 (x64) PC, i7-3930K and 16GB RAM.
I want to cross-grade to Nuendo, to take advantage of its post-pro features, its more robust surround sound capabilities, etc.
. . . but the requirement that I relinquish my Cubase license has me worried, and raises a number of questions . . .
I’ve used Cubase exclusively since the days when I had to have this little bugger connected to my printer’s parallel port:
I have some very old projects, which I still reference with some regularity.
Will Nuendo be able to open and play Cubase projects dating back to Cubase VST/32?
If not that far back… how far back?
It says on the Steinberg website that “Nuendo 8 will include ‘out-of-the-box’ all-musical features from Cubase, previously available in the Nuendo Expansion Kit (NEK).” Does that really mean ALL of Cubase 10’s ‘musical features’, or does the NEK only contain a subset of Cubase’s ‘musical features’, and Nuendo only has that subset??
Are there any ‘non-musical’ Cubase features that are either absent from, or handled differently in, Nuendo?
I’m breaking out in a cold sweat just imagining opening up a 50-track project and discovering that (for example) the instrument/plugin automation is all screwy, or missing entirely…
Will all of my hand-made drum maps, expression maps and project templates work in Nuendo, right out of the box, or will they need tweaking/reformatting/re-assigning?
What (if anything) will I no longer be able to do in Nuendo that I can currently do in Cubase Pro?
On a Win 10 (x64) PC, running on an i7-3930K and 16GB RAM, would Nuendo 8’s CPU/RAM usage be greater than/less than/generally comparable to that of Cubase Pro 9.5?
Thank you for any and all advice, guidance, URLs, etc.!!
— Alan