Windows 10, intel 12th/13th gen CPUs? any core allocation problems?

As my post still gets shared here and there, here’s a small correction to my original post.
As stated in point 2., Cubase (12, 11, 10,… all versions) will process the Main output bus with real time latency in certain cases, leading to high load, especially when you have plugins on the master bus.
What we found out after my post: deleting and recreating the Main out (as suggested in workaround 1.) will solve the issue only temporarily, as Main out will return to real time processing, once you use a “preview” (e.g., listening to media in the media bay or in the editors). That means, the high load symptom will return after a while, because most users need a preview at some point.
Conclusion: if you are affected by this issue, workaround no. 2. will be your choice, as solution 1. will only solve the issue temporarily.
Sorry, I cannot edit the original post. I hope, this update finds its way to the ones affected, anyway. Have a nice weekend!

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