Blank news hub with C12

Anyone else getting a blank news hub with C12? Been like this since launch.

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Or, to put it another way, is anyone seeing any content on the News section of the Hub in C12?

This is on Windows, BTW.

If I uninstall Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime I get a black News area instead of a white one, so it may have something to do with Edge components.

OK, I figured out the issue.

I don’t have the eLicenser Control Center installed (because C12 is dongle free and I don’t need it, right?) As an experiment I re-installed the eLicenser Control Center and the Hub now displays content.

Why is the Hub dependent on the eLicenser Control Center being installed?

And here’s a workaround to get the Hub News section to display without installing the full eLicenser Control Center:

  1. Install the eLicenser Control Center
  2. Copy this folder somewhere - C:\Program Files\eLicenser
  3. Uninstall the eLicenser Control Center
  4. Copy the folder in (2) back again
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this is funny, mine also doesnt work but i will not try do that

Yes. The news hub is copy protected by the eLicenser Control Center!

I have the same issue. I did not install elicenser, and now on my Mac Studio, I do not have news in C12. Strange :face_with_monocle:

You could try installing the eLicenser to get the news hub to show.

Why the news hub has this dependency is, well…strange.

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I’m on Win10 1909 and I also uninstalled Edge Webview but the hub is populated for me.

less is more. i do not need elicenser, so no news then :slight_smile:

Phillipus gave a way to fix with only a temporary install of the eLicenser. Why not try that?

I just mentioned it in this thread to let OP know he is not alone with the issue. And it also happens on Mac.
But just installing elicenser for news? Sorry, news is not important for me. But thanks for the suggestion .

The Edge WebView component that Cubase uses can be deleted or renamed so that links open in your browser of choice.

See Issue - Cubase 12 launch Windows Edge, not the selected default browser - #3 by Bjorn_Ek

Well, I can understand that. It seems strange that Steinberg is going dongle free, and yet the news hub depends on the eLicenser app…


it’s a strange bug indeed :smiley:

Strange, but I have seen something similar in the past. Developers probably take the ‘Why spend time reinventing the wheel’ approach for less critical things when under time constraints.
In my day job I work as an analytical chemist. The previous versions of the software I used to run on a lot of our instruments depended on the print spooler executable to create reports. That one is a little more obvious than the hub relying on the eLicenser but probably came about in the same manner.

I added it to the wiki as a bug


I just installed cubase pro 12.0.40, but the problem still exists.