Cubase 14 available now

OK, thanks, I had that setting disabled because it gave me by default a nice gray color in the usual windows applications. Just not in Cubase.
The main problem remains that it is not possible to have a truly light mode UI in Cubase because all text remains white…

May I ask if the new Score Editor is also included in full (not a reduced form) in the Elements version?


It’s the same across all editions, yes. As confirmed here:

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I couldn’t replicate the behaviour you describe in Cubase 12 (I uninstalled 13).
As a workaround you can assign it to a keyboard shortcut.

Just want to tell everybody involved thank you.
I’ve notice that the fx modulators have there ouw place in the pluginmanager so I guess more are on the way , best upgrade in a very long time.
I can’t wait to see whats coming.
Again,thank you for listening to our requests.
This is it, you guys nailed it.

Thanks for the reply.

This is only a symptom in Cubase 14 and not a problem in 13.
Needless to say in 12.

I use quite a few shortcuts and a dedicated device for shortcuts.
That device is also filled with shortcuts, so it’s honestly not efficient to use shortcuts any more.

Am I the only one who thinks it would be much more efficient to use various tools in the right-click toolbox with one hand?

I missed it too. I’d gotten in a habit of it being there and have just been working around it (make use of all the programmable mouse and keyboard buttons I have in front of me that I’ve been too lazy to capitalize upon). I’d assumed there might be a design reason they took it out, but I wouldn’t mind getting those right-click options back in the key editor.

It might help to make a separate post about it in a new thread? Maybe put up some screen shots of how it worked before, and what it’s doing now?

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Thanks for the reply.

I thought about starting a new thread.
But maybe there are a few people who use the right click toolbox.

The last time I did this, the spec that allowed you to go from a single horizontal row to two rows by bringing up the toolbox and leaving the cursor on it was removed.

Of course there were threads complaining about that.
It doesn’t seem to have gotten that much traction.

So I decided to post it in this thread where it will be seen by many people.

I just hope that this is a bug and not a specification and that it will be fixed in the next maintenance update.

I really hope the developers will fix it! Please please please please please!

I’m not that knowledgeable when it comes to programming, but is it really that hard to tweak the toolbox?

To the untrained eye, it doesn’t look that difficult and doesn’t seem to require a lot of space.

Also, I would like to say that the bugs that started in 13 have not been fixed at all in 14.

I think Cuebase is a very good DAW. I respect the developers.
That’s why I am so disappointed. Please, please, please, please!


Hi, just want to say the new score editor is incredibly useful and worth the upgrade price alone!


I have spent the last 15 minutes trying to figure out how to PURCHASE an upgrade. Your website is consistently too generic. Not user friendly. I’ll have to open a stupid ticket to buy something.
what’s that? Sonar calling me again?

Oh, crap, you mean there are more in 13 than in 12? I still have 12 and was hoping to upgrade the bugs OUT of it!

Click on BUY Cubase 14. Then Choose Elements, Pro or Artist, then click on the upgrades and updates tab and select the correct version you’re upgrading from.

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Ahh…if it’s 13 you were trying to buy an update to that would be why you’re struggling. You can’t buy a 13 update now 14 is released.

Thanks for the reply.

Yes, a new bug was introduced in 13 and not fixed in 14, plus more new bugs have been added.

However, I don’t know if it interferes with your production style.

At least for my production style, it is a significant efficiency downgrade.
I have reverted from 14 to 13.

I’m not sure if every update fixes the bugs I want fixed.
It’s really silly to take a gamble that you won’t suffer from a new bug.

If the bugs are not fixed in 14 I am really considering going to another DAW. In that case, would Studio one or something similar be a good choice?

Of course, Steinberg will fix the bugs in Cubase 14 and, logically, the bugs that prevent some users from switching to Cubase 14 will take priority. This has always been the case in the past. :innocent:

Thanks for the reply.

Of course I wish that too.
I am not blaming the Steinberg staff.

But the bugs that were added when they moved from 12 to 13 and the bugs that have been around for a long time when changing the tempo of the VCA (there has been a thread on this for quite some time). (There has been a thread on this for quite some time now)
These things were not fixed before, even when the latest version was released.

I understand that it is hard to add all kinds of functions and programming.

I think they are so desperate to include new features to attract new users that they are neglecting these minor bugs.
Especially in the recent updates of 13 and 14.

I respect the staff and think it is a great DAW,
I respect the staff and hope that they will address these bugs with sincerity.

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Steinberg needs to earn money to pay its employees and these employees are also needed to fix bugs. If Steinberg waited until every bug was fixed before releasing new versions, it would be the end.
Believe me, the people who are most frustrated by bugs are the programmers at Steinberg itself. On the other hand, it’s perfectly okay for users to express their frustration about bugs, as this helps Steinberg to set priorities in a user-oriented way.
We are all one big team: Steinberg and those who work with Steinberg products.


Thanks for the reply.

Yes, I understand.

I know it is hard for the staff to create such a complex system.
I salute you.

Of course you have to consider the profit,
But if you are really thinking about the long term profit, I think you should also focus on fixing bugs more seriously than new features.

Perhaps they are not in such a good business condition that they have to think about short-term profit…

Cubase is actually a great DAW.

I don’t want to switch either, which is why I write so many posts here.

I would like to see a fix for the toolbox dropout menu bug that occurred in 14.

This bug is really critical, and I wonder if there are many others who feel this way.

If I am in the minority, I will have to leave this DAW.

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ftfy :crazy_face:

Please add your voice to this thread:

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