Groove agent patterns playing off the beat

Hi There,
Using GrooveAgent and Cubase I’m workling on a piece that starts out with 4/4 signature, somewhere in the middle there’s a single bar 3/4 and after that it is 4/4 again. In this last part I want to try pre/listen some groove agent patterns and see if there’s anything I can work with. However, groove agent is continuously on the wrong beat when playing its patterns - very cumbersome. What am I doing wrong?

I’m not really sure if you can change time signatures on the patterns mid song without somehow editing them at the MIDI level. I did a forum search and some information located applies to earlier GA versions but might help you out.

Someone in another thread says that:
“Hi - putting together a drum track by drawing notes on a Groove Agent track to trigger patterns.
Most of the track is in 4/4, but there is one bar of 2/4, created this using a signature track.
Unfortunately, all of the bars after the change in Groove agent are 2 beats out. Fills start half way through and the beat counter in GA is half a bar out.”

Another similar instance here:

More here:

And here:

And also here:

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Same problem in Dorico.

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Hey thanks for this research - it seems more people are struggling with exact same issue. I should have had a closer look before posting I guess.


We don’t know there’s a problem until we bump into it and there are no silly questions – just learning opportunities. I didn’t know about it until you posted and I would generally just have straight 4/4 tempos in most of my songs so may never encounter the issue.

I think that it’s something that has come up here and there in the forum over several years and appears to be a limitation with Groove Agent.


I like to change signature a lot and this issue drives me crazy, as jam mode is a real quick way to set up a drum. I found a foolish workaround, and maybe Steinberg wants to have a look at this. Before I change my signature (for example to 6/4) I added an EXTRA 4/4 signature in the bar before, mind you, we were in 4/4 at that moment so this should have no effect, but now my GA5 counter is in sync with the cubase counter and everything is fine. Before it would start at 2/4 later (so bar#.3,1), now it starts at 1. Crazy!. But maybe you can try this trick too, good luck.


I’ve run into this as well. I’ll try this next time. Thanks, dNoise!

The root cause seems to be that contrary to what the doc says, the sync to beat option is not switched off in Jam mode. The result is that it tries to calculate the first beat of a bar, bij dividing the number of beats by the current signature, without taking in account that there are multiple signatures in the song. That results in the weird counter in Groove that is totally different from the cubase counter, and may begin at beat 3 or whatever. A simple solution for cubase guys could be: check if sync to beat is indeed switched off in Jam mode, and/or calculate the groove counter from the LAST signature, then it will start at the beginning of the bar. For now the only real workaround is to make sure that de new signature starts at a beat number that is a multiple of the signature. Example 10 bars of 4/4, start 3/4. 10x4 is 40, is 13x 3/4 +1. So groove will start 1 beat later. Solution add 2x 4/4, total 48, divide by 3 is 16 is a multiple. Now groove will start in the beginning.