Haven’t received the Activation Code for the free upgrade of Cubase AI11 to AI12

Greetings, I will not describe the problem in detail because it is already mentioned in these topics. I reopen, because they are not being updated anymore (issue unresolved).

https://helpcenter.steinberg.de/hc/en-us/articles/360011791099-FAQ-Free-update-to-latest-Cubase-AI-Cubase-LE-version-for-all-registered-users (Deleted Post)

Thanks for your time.


There is already Cubase 13 at this moment.

To receive the code, get in contact with your local Steinberg support, please.

Thank you for the quick response.
Unfortunately as mentioned in some of the topics, in some countries, the local distributor is not as available. (Independent franchises)

The version number is obviously is just for informative purposes. I am trying to carry my eLicenser perpetual AI license to the new licensing method.


Then you can raise a support ticket from your MySteinberg account.

I have a similar issue with Cubase Elements 11 - I used to get an Email telling me there was a free update (from 9 or 10 to 11). But I haven’t received such anymore.
So I did open a ticket last week, haven’t heard back yet.

Hello, unfortunately i cannot. In my steinberg page, when I try to open a ticket, I am greeted with a message, “your support is supplied from your local distributor, etc…”

I understand this. Although i accept that the unavailability of my local distributor is somewhat of an inconvenience, I think that a simple solution should exist in other means, because the problem affects more than one person.


This is something different. You are taking about the Grace Period, which you can get by your self by triggering the Maintenance in the eLCC application.

uh, am not sure it has anything to do with grace period? I got notices about free updates of the LE versions. From 9 to 10 to 11. I didn’t purchase these upgrades. I do own Artist 11 though as well, maybe that is a reason for this.
On the other hand I might misunderstand grace period. Will have to check quick…