My alternative device to the CC121 after the production has ceased

After I bought Cubase, I was looking for a controller for a long time. It should be small and compact, with motofader, “AI-Knob”, footswitch and fit well with Cubase. I found the CC121 good, but with the EQ-section it was a bit too overloaded for me.
Then just before I was going to buy the CC121, Steinberg stopped selling it.

After that, Cubase was upgraded with MIDI Remote.

Now I found out, that for the PreSonus FaderPort V2 a user (Cubase-forum-user WEM) has programmed a highly professional script, so that the PreSonus FaderPort V2 fits Cubase (in my opinion) practically as well as the CC121. For the fact, that it doesn’t have an EQ section, the PreSonus FaderPort V2 is a bit smaller und not expensive.

So, for those of you, who aren’t sure, which controller to buy, pay attention to what the PreSonus FaderPort V2 can do with this special script from WEM. He has also a website, where you can make downloads. I am very satisfied.

This is a link here in the Cubase-forum:
PreSonus FaderPort 2 (2018) midi remote script - Cubase - Steinberg Forums

Thanks Steinberg, with MIDI Remote I found my way. :innocent:


Thank you, @CKB. Very helpful post. I will definitely check out the PreSonus FaderPort V2 and the link to the midi remote script.


It seems, that the script is also compatible with the PreSonus ioStation 24c. This device is equivalent to the Presonus FaderPort V2 and it also includes a two-channel audio-interface (24-Bit / 192 kHz) with stereo Mic/Line/Instrument XLR combo-input-jacks.


I have a presonus iostation24c and i use it with Nuendo. The WEM/CKB driver works perfect.


Me (CKB), since I am also a programmer, I worked a lot on the script.
I added many new functions (there are 154 functions in total now) to the script and extended it from 88 Kbytes to 541 Kbytes (6475 lines). I was also able to fix some stability problems.

This PDF file (functional overview & quick reference guide) summarizes the operation of the FaderPort in combination with the installation of the current script, version dated 11/19/2023:

FaderPort_overview.pdf (758.6 KB)

All 154 functions are listed here:

35 functions for each track:
* equalizer 1..4, gain with knob
* equalizer 1..4, frequency with knob
* equalizer 1..4, Q-factor with knob
* equalizer 1..4, on / off with button
* compact equalizer overview with four LEDs
* direct link to Channel Editor with button
* direct link to Instrument Editor with button
* solo on / off with button
* mute on / off with button
* arm on / off with button
* toggle monitor state on / off with knob-push and LED feedback
* bypass cue sends on / off with button
* write automation on / off with button
* read automation on / off with button
* modify pan with optimized grid with knob
* set pan to center with button
* restore pan in center function with button
* default pan functionality
* VU-Meter LED in 10 steps:
* off, grey, blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange, red, magenta, flashing
* VU-Meter peak control with LED and button
* clipping functionality with reset function
* volume with motorized fader with bidirectional functionality
* enable / disable track with button

30 functions for transport:
* play with button
* pause with button
* recording with button
* stop with button
* set left locator at cursor position with button combination
* set right locator at cursor position with button combination
* return to last start with button
* return to zero (RTZ) with button combination
* jump to end of project with button combination
* jump to left locator with button combination
* jump to right locator with button combination
* rewind with button
* forward with button
* fast rewind with double speed with button doubleclick
* fast forward with double speed with button doubleclick
* scroll left in timeline with button
* scroll right in timeline with button
* scroll through timeline left / right with knob
* toggle scroll mode normal / per frame with knob-push and LED feedback
* shuttle play with half speed with button combination
* shuttle play with double speed with button combination
* cycle on / off with button
* click on / off with button
* modify click level with knob
* start recording & playback by footswitch
* stop recording & playback by footswitch
* punch-in recording by footswitch
* punch-out recording by footswitch
* automatic state detection while recording by footswitch
* transport functions always directly accessible

28 functions for navigation and editing:
* previous track with button
* next track with button
* scroll through all tracks with knob without bank restrictions
* horizontal zoom out with knob
* horizontal zoom full out with knob-push
* horizontal zoom in with knob
* vertical standard zoom out with button
* vertical standard zoom in with button
* vertical track zoom out with button / knob-rotate combination
* vertical track zoom in with button / knob-rotate combination
* vertical zoom out of waveform with button / knob-push combination
* vertical zoom in on waveform with button / knob-push combination
* go to nearest event left with button
* go to nearest event right with button
* scroll through events left / right with knob
* nudge selected event to left with button
* nudge selected event to right with button
* nudge selected event to left / to right with knob
* go to nearest marker left with button
* go to nearest marker right with button
* scroll through markers left / right with knob
* insert marker at current position with knob-push and LED feedback
* open Markers Window with button
* go to nearest hitpoint left with button
* go to nearest hitpoint right with button
* scroll through hitpoints left / right with knob
* insert marker at hitpoint position with knob-push and LED feedback
* easy toggle zoom / scroll with button

61 other functions:
* modify value under mouse with motorized fader with bidirectional functionality
* modify value under mouse with knob
* simultaneous use of motorized fader and knob for value under mouse
* toggle lock / unlock current value under mouse with knob-push and LED feedback
* toggle lock / unlock current value under mouse with button and LED feedback
* special memory functions for value under mouse for to write / read up to 5 values
* special memory functions for EQ for to write / read up to 5 sets of 20 values
* single button special memory write / read functions for value under mouse with LED feedback
* single button special memory write / read functions for EQ for all 20 values with LED feedback
* modify Control Room master volume with knob
* set Control Room master volume to 0 dB with button
* restore Control Room master volume with button
* Control Room master volume dim functionality
* unsolo all tracks with button
* unmute all tracks with button
* arm all audio tracks with button
* unarm all audio tracks with button
* toggle read automation on / off of all selected tracks with button
* toggle write automation on / off of all selected tracks with button
* toggle enable / disable all selected tracks with button
* select previous quantize preset with button
* select next quantize preset with button
* scroll through quantize presets with knob
* set quantize to 4th with knob-push
* clear performance peaks with button
* clear all Cubase VU-Meters with button
* clear FaderPort VU-Meter and FaderPort clipping with button
* single button summary for all three clear functions
* enable / disable FaderPort VU-Meter with button combination and LED feedback
* easy individual setting of the VU-Meter and other parameters in the script
* two start modes adjustable in the script
* toggle motorfader functionality bidirectional / unidirectional with button and LED feedback
* extra direct motorfader functionality for sending PitchBend data to MIDI tracks
* reset functionality for special memory functions with button combination
* toggle lock / unlock all FaderPort functions with special button / knob-push combination
* unlock / lock function executable during stop mode, play mode and record mode
* automatic, optimized page mapping 
* optimized button navigation
* user-tolerant operation for button combinations
* ergonomically selected colors for LEDs with orientation support
* full bidirectional functionality
* automatic shutdown on close 
* direct link to 18 free selectable custom functions
* undo as custom default function with button
* redo as custom default function with button
* direct link to Quantize Panel as custom default function with button
* quick exit from Custom Mode as custom default function with button
* 14 more custom functions

You can find a zip-file with the script here in the forum under shared-midi-remote in the post
PreSonus FaderPort 2 (2018) midi remote script.
The zip-file there also contains instructions on how to install the script.


Hey - this is so cool. Biggest question…in a large template will the motorized fader automatically be active on the selected channel? And will move with its automation until touched? Sorry if this is a silly question.

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If the fader is set to ‘volume’ and ‘bidirectional’, it is always synchronized with the selected Cubase track. So when you switch from track to track, the fader jumps back and forth according to the Cubase track volume.

And if this behavior is temporarily not important for you and you want to do other things with the FaderPort, you can also switch off the back and forth jumping on the FaderPort if you need peace and quiet.

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*** update news ***

In the next update, the Custom Mode will be expanded to over 50 functions and a PreFilter Mode with a comfortable LED feedback will be included, also a total recall function for the Quick Controls.
Here is an overview of all 247 functions that will be included in the next update:

* 75 functions for each track: 
* equalizer 1..4, gain with knob 
* equalizer 1..4, frequency with knob 
* equalizer 1..4, Q-factor with knob 
* equalizer 1..4, on / off with button 
* compact equalizer overview with four LEDs 
* Quick Control 1..8 for tracks and plugins with knob 
* Quick Control 1..4 for tracks and plugins with fader 
* simultaneous optimized control of track and focused Quick Controls 
* automatic synchronization of Quick Controls when changing tracks 
* toggle Quick Control value to min / mid / max / old with button 
* functionality for copying Quick Control values from track to track 
* direct link to Channel Editor with button 
* direct link to Instrument Editor with button 
* solo on / off with button 
* mute on / off with button 
* arm on / off with button 
* toggle monitor state on / off with knob-push and LED feedback 
* bypass cue sends on / off with button 
* write automation on / off with button 
* read automation on / off with button 
* modify pan with optimized grid with knob 
* set pan to center with button 
* restore pan in center function with button 
* copy pan value from track to track functionality 
* set EQ parameter to default value with button 
* adjusted default parameter values for EQ bands 1..4 
* restore EQ parameter in default function with button 
* copy EQ para-meter value from track to track functionality 
* realtime VU-Meter LED in 10 steps: 
* off, grey, blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange, red, magenta, flashing 
* VU-Meter peak control with LED and button 
* clipping functionality with reset function 
* volume with motorized fader with bidirectional functionality 
* enable / disable track with button 
* pregain with knob 
* pregain level LED in 9 steps: 
* off, grey, blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange, orangered, magenta 
* automatic bidirectional synchronisation of pregain level LED 
* reset pregain with button 
* restore pregain in reset function with button 
* phase 0 / 180 with LED feedback 
* prefilter bypass on / off with LED feedback 
* summarized switch for prefilter bypass and phase in 4 steps with button 
* prefilter low cut frequency on / off with button and LED feedback 
* select low cut frequency slope with button and LED feedback 
* summarized switch for low cut on / off and slope in 6 steps with button 
* low cut frequency with knob 
* reset low cut frequency with button 
* restore low cut frequency in reset function with button 
* prefilter high cut frequency on / off with button and LED feedback 
* select high cut frequency slope with button and LED feedback 
* summarized switch for high cut on / off and slope in 6 steps with button 
* high cut frequency with knob 
* reset high cut frequency with button 
* restore high cut frequency in reset function with button 

* 30 functions for transport: 
* play with button 
* pause with button 
* recording with button 
* stop with button 
* set left locator at cursor position with button combination 
* set right locator at cursor position with button combination 
* return to last start with button 
* return to zero (RTZ) with button combination 
* jump to end of project with button combination 
* jump to left locator with button combination 
* jump to right locator with button combination 
* rewind with button 
* forward with button 
* fast rewind with double speed with button doubleclick 
* fast forward with double speed with button doubleclick 
* scroll left in timeline with button 
* scroll right in timeline with button 
* scroll through timeline left / right with knob 
* toggle scroll mode normal / per frame with knob-push and LED feedback 
* shuttle play with half speed with button combination 
* shuttle play with double speed with button combination 
* cycle on / off with button 
* click on / off with button 
* modify click level with knob 
* start recording & playback by footswitch 
* stop recording & playback by footswitch 
* punch-in recording by footswitch 
* punch-out recording by footswitch 
* automatic state detection while recording by footswitch 
* transport functions always directly accessible 

* 28 functions for navigation and editing: 
* previous track with button 
* next track with button 
* scroll through all tracks with knob without bank restrictions 
* horizontal zoom out with knob 
* horizontal zoom full out with knob-push 
* horizontal zoom in with knob 
* vertical standard zoom out with button 
* vertical standard zoom in with button 
* vertical track zoom out with button / knob-rotate combination 
* vertical track zoom in with button / knob-rotate combination 
* vertical zoom out of waveform with button / knob-push combination 
* vertical zoom in on waveform with button / knob-push combination 
* go to nearest event left with button 
* go to nearest event right with button 
* scroll through events left / right with knob 
* nudge selected event to left with button 
* nudge selected event to right with button 
* nudge selected event to left / to right with knob 
* go to nearest marker left with button 
* go to nearest marker right with button 
* scroll through markers left / right with knob 
* insert marker at current position with knob-push and LED feedback 
* open Markers Window with button 
* go to nearest hitpoint left with button 
* go to nearest hitpoint right with button 
* scroll through hitpoints left / right with knob 
* insert marker at hitpoint position with knob-push and LED feedback 
* easy toggle zoom / scroll with button 

* 113 other functions: 
* modify value under mouse with motorized fader with bidirectional functionality 
* modify value under mouse with knob 
* simultaneous use of motorized fader and knob for value under mouse 
* toggle lock / unlock current value under mouse with knob-push and LED feedback 
* toggle lock / unlock current value under mouse with button and LED feedback 
* special memory functions for value under mouse for to write / read up to 5 values 
* special memory functions for EQ for to write / read up to 5 sets of 20 values 
* single button special memory write / read functions for value under mouse with LED feedback 
* single button special memory write / read functions for EQ for all 20 values with LED feedback 
* modify Control Room master volume with knob 
* set Control Room master volume to 0 dB with button 
* restore Control Room master volume with button 
* Control Room master volume dim functionality 
* unsolo all tracks with button 
* unmute all tracks with button 
* arm all audio tracks with button 
* unarm all audio tracks with button 
* toggle read automation on / off of all selected tracks with button 
* toggle write automation on / off of all selected tracks with button 
* toggle enable / disable all selected tracks with button 
* select previous quantize preset with button 
* select next quantize preset with button 
* scroll through quantize presets with knob 
* set quantize to 4th with knob-push 
* clear performance peaks with button 
* clear all Cubase VU-Meters with button 
* clear FaderPort VU-Meter and FaderPort clipping with button 
* single button summary for all three clear functions 
* enable / disable FaderPort VU-Meter with button combination and LED feedback 
* easy individual setting of the VU-Meter and other parameters in the script 
* 3 footswitch types are supported: a soft button (NC and NO) and a hard toggle switch 
* two start modes adjustable in the script 
* easy option to disable the complete pregain / prefilter functionality in the script 
* easy option to swap solo button and mute button in the script 
* toggle motorfader mode bidirectional / unidirectional with button and LED feedback 
* extra direct motorfader mode for sending PitchBend data to MIDI tracks 
* extra +QC1..4 motorfader mode for to select Quick Control for fader 
* Quick Controls can be controlled simultaneously with knob and fader 
* fast navigation to Quick Controls from anywhere per button doubleclick 
* remember last Quick Control functionality 
* toggle lock Quick Controls with button an LED feedback 
* within Quick Control mode: 'hide all / show all plugins' with button 
* within Quick Control mode: 'toggle through plugins' with button 
* total recall functionality for 'all Quick Controls at once' with button combination 
* automatic preparation for a total recall of all Quick Controls 
* reset functionality for special memory functions with button combination 
* toggle lock / unlock all FaderPort functions with special button / knob-push combination 
* unlock / lock function executable during stop mode, play mode and record mode 
* full bidirectional functionality 
* automation is supported for most parameters 
* consideration of the touched fader functionality during automation 
* all functions usable during play and record without realtime problems 
* automatic fader shutdown on close 
* automatic, optimized page mapping 
* optimized button navigation 
* user-tolerant operation for all button combinations 
* ergonomically selected colors for LEDs with orientation support 
* direct link to 51 free selectable custom functions on 3 custom pages 
* switch between custom pages with just one button 
* display the number of the selected custom page with LED feedback 
* modify value under mouse with motorized fader in custom mode 
* modify value under mouse with knob in custom mode 
* all transport functions available on custom pages 
* 9 custom default functions as preset 
* hide / show left zone as custom default function with button 
* hide / show lower zone as custom default function with button 
* hide / show right zone as custom default function with button 
* undo as custom default function with button 
* redo as custom default function with button 
* direct link to Quantize Panel as custom default function with button 
* quick exit from all 3 custom pages as custom default functions with button 
* 42 more free custom functions
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The new update (Version from 31 January, 2024) was published today in the Steinberg Forum.
[ topic: PreSondus FaderPort 2 (2018) midi remote script ]

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In the meantime, I have looked at and tested various other controllers.

As a result I have the impression that the PreSonus FaderPort with one fader
is still ergonomically the best choice for Cubase.

Thank you, PreSonus for bringing this great controller to the market!
I’m going to buy a second one soon, so that I always have one in reserve.

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Very generous of you! Love your avatar – Thanks!


*** update news ***

With the next update of fp-wizard, the following functions will be added: a comfortable Send Mode, a Cue Send Mode, GTS (Global Track Scroll) functionality, Quick Markers and other extensions and enhancements.
Here is an overview of all 331 functions that will be included in the next update:

* 141 functions for each track: 
* equalizer 1..4, gain with knob 
* equalizer 1..4, frequency with knob 
* equalizer 1..4, Q-factor with knob 
* equalizer 1..4, on / off with button 
* compact equalizer 1..4 overview with four LEDs 
* handling of EQ parameters optimized for recording of automation 
* set EQ parameter to default value with button 
* adjusted default parameter values for EQ bands 1..4 
* restore EQ parameter in default function with button 
* copy EQ parameter value from track to track functionality 
* pregain with knob and LED feedback 
* pregain level LED in 9 steps: 
* off, grey, blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange, orangered, magenta 
* automatic bidirectional synchronisation of pregain level LED 
* reset pregain to 0 dB with button
* restore pregain in reset function with button 
* copy pregain from track to track functionality 
* phase 0° / 180° with LED feedback 
* prefilter bypass on / off with LED feedback 
* summarized switch for prefilter bypass and phase in 4 steps with button 
* prefilter low cut frequency on / off with button and LED feedback 
* select low cut frequency slope with button and LED feedback 
* summarized switch for low cut on / off and slope in 6 steps with button 
* low cut frequency with knob 
* reset low cut frequency with button 
* restore low cut frequency in reset function with button 
* copy low cut frequency from track to track functionality 
* prefilter high cut frequency on / off with button and LED feedback 
* select high cut frequency slope with button and LED feedback 
* summarized switch for high cut on / off and slope in 6 steps with button 
* high cut frequency with knob 
* reset high cut frequency with button 
* restore high cut frequency in reset function with button 
* copy high cut frequency from track to track functionality 
* send 1..8, level with knob and LED feedback 
* send 1..8, bypass on / off with button and LED feedback 
* send 1..8, pre / post with button and LED feedback 
* compact send 1..8 overview with four LEDs in 2 banks 
* toggle send bank 1..4 / send bank 5..8 with button 
* handling of send parameters optimized for recording of automation 
* set send level to default value -oo dB or 0 dB with button 
* restore send level in default function with button 
* copy send level value from track to track functionality 
* set all 8 send levels to -oo dB with button combination
* cue send 1..4, level with knob and LED feedback 
* cue send 1..4, pan with knob and LED feedback 
* cue send 1..4, bypass on / off with button and LED feedback 
* cue send 1..4, pre / post with button and LED feedback 
* compact cue send 1..4 overview with four LEDs 
* set cue send level to default value -oo dB or 0 dB with button 
* restore cue send level in default function with button 
* copy cue send level value from track to track functionality 
* set cue send pan to default value -oo dB or 0 dB with button 
* restore cue send pan in default function with button 
* copy cue send pan value from track to track functionality 
* set all 4 cue send levels to -oo dB with button combination
* send level LEDs and cue send level LEDs in 9 steps: 
* grey, blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange, orangered, red, magenta 
* automatic bidirectional synchronisation of send level and cue send level LEDs 
* cue send pan LEDs in 7 steps: 
* grey, blue, cyan, green (center), yellow, orange, orangered 
* automatic bidirectional synchronisation of cue send pan LEDs 
* Quick Control 1..8 for tracks and plugins with knob 
* Quick Control 1..4 for tracks and plugins with fader 
* simultaneous optimized control of track and focused Quick Controls 
* automatic synchronization of Quick Controls when changing tracks 
* toggle Quick Control value to min / mid / max / old with button 
* functionality for copying Quick Control values from track to track 
* direct link to Channel Editor with button 
* direct link to Instrument Editor with button 
* solo on / off with button 
* mute on / off with button 
* arm on / off with button 
* toggle monitor state on / off with knob-push and LED feedback 
* bypass cue sends on / off with button 
* write automation on / off with button 
* read automation on / off with button 
* modify pan with optimized grid with knob 
* set pan to center with button 
* set pan to full left with button combination and LED feedback 
* set pan to full right with button combination and LED feedback 
* restore pan in center function with button 
* copy pan value from track to track functionality 
* realtime VU-Meter LED in 10 steps: 
* off, grey, blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange, red, magenta, flashing 
* VU-Meter peak control with LED and button 
* clipping functionality with reset function 
* volume with motorized fader with bidirectional functionality 
* enable / disable track with button 

* 38 functions for transport: 
* play with button 
* pause with button 
* recording with button 
* stop with button 
* set left locator at cursor position with button combination 
* set right locator at cursor position with button combination 
* return to last start with button 
* return to zero (RTZ) with button combination 
* jump to end of project with button combination 
* jump to left locator with button combination 
* jump to right locator with button combination 
* rewind with button 
* forward with button 
* fast rewind with double speed with button doubleclick 
* fast forward with double speed with button doubleclick 
* scroll left in timeline with button 
* scroll right in timeline with button 
* scroll through timeline left / right with knob 
* toggle scroll mode normal / per frame with knob-push and LED feedback 
* shuttle play with half speed with button combination 
* shuttle play with double speed with button combination 
* cycle on / off with button 
* click on / off with button 
* modify click level with knob 
* start recording & playback by footswitch 
* stop recording & playback by footswitch 
* punch-in recording by footswitch 
* punch-out recording by footswitch 
* automatic state detection while recording by footswitch 
* set marker 1 at cursor position with button combination 
* set marker 2 at cursor position with button combination 
* set marker 3 at cursor position with button combination 
* set marker 4 at cursor position with button combination 
* jump to marker 1 with button combination 
* jump to marker 2 with button combination 
* jump to marker 3 with button combination 
* jump to marker 4 with button combination 
* transport functions always directly accessible 

* 31 functions for navigation and editing: 
* previous track with button 
* next track with button 
* scroll through all tracks with knob without bank restrictions 
* GTS (Global Track Scroll) with knob-rotate combination
* GTS (Global Track Scroll) toggle mute track functionality with knob-push combination 
* GTS (Global Track Scroll) available everywhere, even in Custom Mode 
* horizontal zoom out with knob 
* horizontal zoom full out with knob-push 
* horizontal zoom in with knob 
* vertical standard zoom out with button 
* vertical standard zoom in with button 
* vertical track zoom out with button / knob-rotate combination 
* vertical track zoom in with button / knob-rotate combination 
* vertical zoom out of waveform with button / knob-push combination 
* vertical zoom in on waveform with button / knob-push combination 
* go to nearest event left with button 
* go to nearest event right with button 
* scroll through events left / right with knob 
* nudge selected event to left with button 
* nudge selected event to right with button 
* nudge selected event to left / to right with knob 
* go to nearest marker left with button 
* go to nearest marker right with button 
* scroll through markers left / right with knob 
* insert marker at current position with knob-push and LED feedback 
* open Markers Window with button 
* go to nearest hitpoint left with button 
* go to nearest hitpoint right with button 
* scroll through hitpoints left / right with knob 
* insert marker at hitpoint position with knob-push and LED feedback 
* easy toggle zoom / scroll with button 

* 121 other functions: 
* modify value under mouse with motorized fader with bidirectional functionality 
* modify value under mouse with knob 
* simultaneous use of motorized fader and knob for value under mouse 
* toggle lock / unlock current value under mouse with knob-push and LED feedback 
* toggle lock / unlock current value under mouse with button and LED feedback 
* set value under mouse to min value with button combination and LED feedback 
* set value under mouse to mid value with button combination and LED feedback 
* set value under mouse to max value with button combination and LED feedback 
* special memory functions for value under mouse for to write / read up to 5 values 
* special memory functions for EQ for to write / read up to 5 sets of 20 values 
* single button special memory write / read functions for value under mouse with LED feedback 
* single button special memory write / read functions for EQ for all 20 values with LED feedback 
* modify Control Room master volume with knob 
* set Control Room master volume to 0 dB with button 
* restore Control Room master volume with button 
* Control Room master volume dim functionality 
* unsolo all tracks with button 
* unmute all tracks with button 
* arm all audio tracks with button 
* unarm all audio tracks with button 
* toggle read automation on / off of all selected tracks with button 
* toggle write automation on / off of all selected tracks with button 
* toggle enable / disable all selected tracks with button 
* select previous quantize preset with button 
* select next quantize preset with button 
* scroll through quantize presets with knob 
* set quantize to 4th with knob-push 
* clear performance peaks with button 
* clear all Cubase VU-Meters with button 
* clear FaderPort VU-Meter and FaderPort clipping with button 
* single button summary for all three clear functions 
* enable / disable FaderPort VU-Meter with button combination and LED feedback 
* easy individual setting of the VU-Meter and other parameters in the script 
* 3 footswitch types are supported: a soft button (NC and NO) and a hard toggle switch 
* two start modes adjustable in the script 
* easy option to disable the complete pregain / prefilter functionality in the script 
* easy option to disable the complete cue send functionality in the script 
* easy option to swap solo button and mute button in the script 
* easy option to change GTS (Global Track Scroll) track functionality to toggle monitor state 
* toggle motorfader mode bidirectional / unidirectional with button and LED feedback 
* extra direct motorfader mode for sending PitchBend data to MIDI tracks 
* extra +QC1..4 motorfader mode for to select Quick Control for fader 
* Quick Controls can be controlled simultaneously with knob and fader 
* fast navigation to Quick Controls from anywhere per button doubleclick 
* remember last Quick Control functionality 
* toggle lock Quick Controls with button an LED feedback 
* within Quick Control mode: 'hide all / show all plugins' with button 
* within Quick Control mode: 'toggle through plugins' with button 
* total recall functionality for 'all Quick Controls at once' with button combination 
* automatic preparation for a total recall of all Quick Controls 
* reset functionality for special memory functions with button combination 
* toggle lock / unlock all FaderPort functions with special button / knob-push combination 
* unlock / lock function executable during stop mode, play mode and record mode 
* full bidirectional functionality 
* automation is supported for most parameters 
* consideration of the touched fader functionality during automation 
* all functions usable during play and record without realtime problems 
* automatic fader shutdown on close 
* automatic, optimized page mapping 
* optimized button navigation 
* user-tolerant operation for all button combinations 
* ergonomically selected colors for LEDs with orientation support 
* optimized thresholds of LED colors for each parameter
* direct link to 51 free selectable custom functions on 3 custom pages 
* switch between custom pages with just one button 
* display the number of the selected custom page with LED feedback 
* modify value under mouse with motorized fader in custom mode 
* modify value under mouse with knob in custom mode 
* all transport functions available on custom pages 
* 9 custom default functions as preset 
* hide / show left zone as custom default function with button 
* hide / show lower zone as custom default function with button 
* hide / show right zone as custom default function with button 
* undo as custom default function with button 
* redo as custom default function with button 
* direct link to Quantize Panel as custom default function with button 
* quick exit from all 3 custom pages as custom default functions with button 
* integrated automatic midi data traffic reducer 
* 42 more free custom functions
1 Like

The new update (Version from May 2, 2024) was published here in the Steinberg Forum.
[ topic: PreSonus FaderPort 2 (2018) midi remote script ]

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*** update news ***

A new update (Version from May 5, 2024) of fp-wizard was published here in the Steinberg Forum.
The new version contains some more useful functions such as a global undo/redo, a Channel Strip Bypass Mode, etc…

Here is an overview of all 345 functions that will be included in the new version:

* 149 functions for each track: 
* equalizer 1..4, gain with knob 
* equalizer 1..4, frequency with knob 
* equalizer 1..4, Q-factor with knob 
* equalizer 1..4, on / off with button 
* compact equalizer 1..4 overview with four LEDs 
* handling of EQ parameters optimized for recording of automation 
* set EQ parameter to default value with button 
* adjusted default parameter values for EQ bands 1..4 
* restore EQ parameter in default function with button 
* copy EQ parameter value from track to track functionality 
* pregain with knob and LED feedback 
* pregain level LED in 9 steps: 
* off, grey, blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange, orangered, magenta 
* automatic bidirectional synchronisation of pregain level LED 
* reset pregain to 0 dB with button 
* restore pregain in reset function with button 
* copy pregain from track to track functionality 
* phase 0° / 180° with LED feedback 
* prefilter bypass on / off with LED feedback 
* summarized switch for prefilter bypass and phase in 4 steps with button 
* prefilter low cut frequency on / off with button and LED feedback 
* select low cut frequency slope with button and LED feedback 
* summarized switch for low cut on / off and slope in 6 steps with button 
* low cut frequency with knob 
* reset low cut frequency with button 
* restore low cut frequency in reset function with button 
* copy low cut frequency from track to track functionality 
* prefilter high cut frequency on / off with button and LED feedback 
* select high cut frequency slope with button and LED feedback 
* summarized switch for high cut on / off and slope in 6 steps with button 
* high cut frequency with knob 
* reset high cut frequency with button 
* restore high cut frequency in reset function with button 
* copy high cut frequency from track to track functionality 
* send 1..8, level with knob and LED feedback 
* send 1..8, bypass on / off with button and LED feedback 
* send 1..8, pre / post with button and LED feedback 
* compact send 1..8 overview with four LEDs in 2 banks 
* toggle send bank 1..4 / send bank 5..8 with button 
* handling of send parameters optimized for recording of automation 
* set send level to default value -oo dB or 0 dB with button 
* restore send level in default function with button 
* copy send level value from track to track functionality 
* set all 8 send levels to -oo dB with button combination
* cue send 1..4, level with knob and LED feedback 
* cue send 1..4, pan with knob and LED feedback 
* cue send 1..4, bypass on / off with button and LED feedback 
* cue send 1..4, pre / post with button and LED feedback 
* compact cue send 1..4 overview with four LEDs 
* set cue send level to default value -oo dB or 0 dB with button 
* restore cue send level in default function with button 
* copy cue send level value from track to track functionality 
* set cue send pan to default value -oo dB or 0 dB with button 
* restore cue send pan in default function with button 
* copy cue send pan value from track to track functionality 
* set all 4 cue send levels to -oo dB with button combination 
* send level LEDs and cue send level LEDs in 9 steps: 
* grey, blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange, orangered, red, magenta 
* automatic bidirectional synchronisation of send level and cue send level LEDs 
* cue send pan LEDs in 7 steps: 
* grey, blue, cyan, green (center), yellow, orange, orangered 
* automatic bidirectional synchronisation of cue send pan LEDs 
* Quick Control 1..8 for tracks and plugins with knob 
* Quick Control 1..4 for tracks and plugins with fader 
* simultaneous optimized control of track and focused Quick Controls 
* automatic synchronization of Quick Controls when changing tracks 
* toggle Quick Control value to min / mid / max / old with button 
* functionality for copying Quick Control values from track to track 
* direct link to Channel Editor with button 
* direct link to Instrument Editor with button 
* solo on / off with button 
* mute on / off with button 
* arm on / off with button 
* toggle monitor state on / off with knob-push and LED feedback 
* bypass cue sends on / off with button 
* bypass Channel Strip Gate with button 
* bypass Channel Strip Compressor with button 
* bypass Channel Strip Tools with button 
* bypass Channel Strip Saturator with button 
* bypass Channel Strip Limiter with button 
* compact Channel Strip overview with five LEDs 
* status whether Channel Strip module is loaded with LED feedback 
* automatic bidirectional synchronisation of all Channel Strip functions 
* write automation on / off with button 
* read automation on / off with button 
* modify pan with optimized grid with knob 
* set pan to center with button 
* set pan to full left with button combination and LED feedback 
* set pan to full right with button combination and LED feedback 
* restore pan in center function with button 
* copy pan value from track to track functionality 
* realtime VU-Meter LED in 10 steps: 
* off, grey, blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange, red, magenta, flashing 
* VU-Meter peak control with LED and button 
* clipping functionality with reset function 
* volume with motorized fader with bidirectional functionality 
* enable / disable track with button 
* 38 functions for transport: 
* play with button 
* pause with button 
* recording with button 
* stop with button 
* set left locator at cursor position with button combination 
* set right locator at cursor position with button combination 
* return to last start with button 
* return to zero (RTZ) with button combination 
* jump to end of project with button combination 
* jump to left locator with button combination 
* jump to right locator with button combination 
* rewind with button 
* forward with button 
* fast rewind with double speed with button doubleclick 
* fast forward with double speed with button doubleclick 
* scroll left in timeline with button 
* scroll right in timeline with button 
* scroll through timeline left / right with knob 
* toggle Scroll Mode normal / per frame with knob-push and LED feedback 
* shuttle play with half speed with button combination 
* shuttle play with double speed with button combination 
* cycle on / off with button 
* click on / off with button 
* modify click level with knob 
* start recording & playback by footswitch 
* stop recording & playback by footswitch 
* punch-in recording by footswitch 
* punch-out recording by footswitch 
* automatic state detection while recording by footswitch 
* set marker 1 at cursor position with button combination 
* set marker 2 at cursor position with button combination 
* set marker 3 at cursor position with button combination 
* set marker 4 at cursor position with button combination 
* jump to marker 1 with button combination 
* jump to marker 2 with button combination 
* jump to marker 3 with button combination 
* jump to marker 4 with button combination 
* transport functions always directly accessible 
* 32 functions for navigation and editing: 
* previous track with button 
* next track with button 
* scroll through all tracks with knob without bank restrictions 
* GTS (Global Track Scroll) with knob-rotate combination
* GTS (Global Track Scroll) toggle mute track functionality with knob-push combination 
* GTS (Global Track Scroll) available everywhere, even in Custom Mode 
* speed optimization within GTS functionality 
* horizontal zoom out with knob 
* horizontal zoom full out with knob-push 
* horizontal zoom in with knob 
* vertical standard zoom out with button 
* vertical standard zoom in with button 
* vertical track zoom out with button / knob-rotate combination 
* vertical track zoom in with button / knob-rotate combination 
* vertical zoom out of waveform with button / knob-push combination 
* vertical zoom in on waveform with button / knob-push combination 
* go to nearest event left with button 
* go to nearest event right with button 
* scroll through events left / right with knob 
* nudge selected event to left with button 
* nudge selected event to right with button 
* nudge selected event to left / to right with knob 
* go to nearest marker left with button 
* go to nearest marker right with button 
* scroll through markers left / right with knob 
* insert marker at current position with knob-push and LED feedback 
* Markers Window within Marker Mode with button 
* go to nearest hitpoint left with button 
* go to nearest hitpoint right with button 
* scroll through hitpoints left / right with knob 
* insert marker at hitpoint position with knob-push and LED feedback 
* easy toggle zoom / scroll with button 
* 126 other functions: 
* modify value under mouse with motorized fader with bidirectional functionality 
* modify value under mouse with knob 
* simultaneous use of motorized fader and knob for value under mouse 
* toggle lock / unlock current value under mouse with knob-push and LED feedback 
* toggle lock / unlock current value under mouse with button and LED feedback 
* set value under mouse to min value with button combination and LED feedback 
* set value under mouse to mid value with button combination and LED feedback 
* set value under mouse to max value with button combination and LED feedback 
* special memory functions for value under mouse for to write / read up to 5 values 
* special memory functions for EQ for to write / read up to 5 sets of 20 values 
* single button special memory write / read functions for value under mouse with LED feedback 
* single button special memory write / read functions for EQ for all 20 values with LED feedback 
* modify Control Room master volume with knob 
* set Control Room master volume to 0 dB with button 
* restore Control Room master volume with button 
* Control Room master volume dim functionality 
* global undo with button combination and LED feedback 
* global redo with button combination and LED feedback 
* unsolo all tracks with button 
* unmute all tracks with button 
* arm all audio tracks with button 
* unarm all audio tracks with button 
* toggle read automation on / off of all selected tracks with button 
* toggle write automation on / off of all selected tracks with button 
* toggle enable / disable all selected tracks with button 
* select previous quantize preset with button 
* select next quantize preset with button 
* scroll through quantize presets with knob 
* set quantize to 4th with knob-push 
* Quantize Panel within Quantize Mode with button 
* clear performance peaks with button 
* clear all Cubase VU-Meters with button 
* clear FaderPort VU-Meter and FaderPort clipping with button 
* single button summary for all three clear functions 
* enable / disable FaderPort VU-Meter with button combination and LED feedback 
* easy individual setting of the VU-Meter and other parameters in the script 
* 3 footswitch types are supported: a soft button (NC and NO) and a hard toggle switch 
* two Start Modes adjustable in the script 
* easy option to disable the complete pregain / prefilter functionality in the script 
* easy option to disable the complete cue send functionality in the script 
* easy option to swap solo button and mute button in the script 
* easy option to change GTS (Global Track Scroll) track functionality to toggle monitor state 
* toggle Motorfader Mode bidirectional / unidirectional with button and LED feedback 
* extra direct Motorfader Mode for sending PitchBend data to MIDI tracks 
* extra +QC1..4 Motorfader Mode for to select Quick Control for fader 
* Quick Controls can be controlled simultaneously with knob and fader 
* fast navigation to Quick Controls from anywhere per button doubleclick 
* remember last Quick Control functionality 
* toggle lock Quick Controls with button an LED feedback 
* within Quick Control Mode: 'hide all / show all plugins' with button 
* within Quick Control Mode: 'toggle through plugins' with button 
* total recall functionality for 'all Quick Controls at once' with button combination 
* automatic preparation for a total recall of all Quick Controls 
* reset functionality for special memory functions with button combination 
* toggle lock / unlock all FaderPort functions with special button / knob-push combination 
* unlock / lock function executable during Stop Mode, Play Mode and Record Mode 
* full bidirectional functionality 
* automation is supported for most parameters 
* consideration of the touched fader functionality during automation 
* all functions usable during play and record without realtime problems 
* automatic fader shutdown on close 
* optimized reload script functionality 
* integrated debugging options to support individual customizations 
* automatic, optimized page mapping 
* optimized button navigation 
* user-tolerant operation for all button combinations 
* ergonomically selected colors for LEDs with orientation support 
* optimized thresholds of LED colors for each parameter 
* direct link to 51 free selectable custom functions on 3 custom pages 
* integrated automatic midi data traffic reducer 
* switch between custom pages with just one button 
* display the number of the selected custom page with LED feedback 
* modify value under mouse with motorized fader in Custom Mode 
* modify value under mouse with knob in Custom Mode 
* all transport functions available on custom pages 
* 8 custom default functions as preset 
* hide / show left zone as custom default function with button 
* hide / show lower zone as custom default function with button 
* hide / show right zone as custom default function with button 
* undo as custom default function with button 
* redo as custom default function with button 
* quick exit from all 3 custom pages as custom default functions with button 
* 43 more free custom functions

You find the complete zip-file with detailed instructions for installation and operation this thread:
[ topic: PreSonus FaderPort 2 (2018) midi remote script ]

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Further updates of fp-wizard have been published in the meantime.
The last version date is May 29, 2024.

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*** update news ***
The next major update of fp-wizard is in progress… :innocent:

The new QuickTracks functionality of fp-wizard will significantly compensate the disadvantages of a single-fader compared to a multi-fader controller.

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In my opinion, this content is also interesting for people who are currently looking for a suitable replacement for their CC121:

Hi butterfly,

I still have some more ideas in the background how I would like to extend the fp-wizard script for the FaderPort in the future. This will also determine whether it should ever become necessary to purchase additional hardware.

Of course I also observe the market and regularly look at what new controllers are available, but then I am only interested in controllers that do not overlap with the FaderPort in terms of functionality. The FaderPort should always remain the ‘heart’ of my music production. So, for example, no other controller should have a transport section. It is also important that rotary knobs are not simple potentiometers, but high-quality encoders. Quality is important.

To your question: I find the following devices interesting:

‘Elgato Stream Deck XL’ - in case the Custom Mode of fp-wizard is no longer big enough for me and it therefore also makes sense for me that additional functions can be found quickly on a device via image.

‘Intech Studio EN16’ - in case I ever get into a situation where I have to constantly tweak all the EQ parameters very often, for example. But at the moment I only do that so often that I get on very well with the EQ Mode of fp-wizard.

‘Intech Studio EF44’ - I find this controller interesting. I could imagine that some synthesizer plug-ins could be played ‘live’ in a creative way with this device. But - at the moment I can already control four parameters (FaderPort: Fader + Rotate Kob with a fast switching option, Keyboard: Pitch Bend + Modulation Wheel) at the same time. More at once is not possible anyway, so this is ok for me.

More motorized faders - in case I need more faders at some point. In this case, I would only buy an extension, not a completely new device with a basic control section. The Behringer X-Touch Extender and the Icon P1-X Extender are currently available cheaply, but I don’t like either device. Other such devices are sure to come onto the market, perhaps even an extender from PreSonus. In any case, it wouldn’t be a problem for me to combine the single-fader FaderPort with an extension from another manufacturer. This would even have many advantages…

Best regards
CKB :innocent:


I think the FaderPort together with the script here in this forum (“FP-wizard”) is currently the optimum, as the price for the FaderPort has now dropped to 149 Euro if you look at the major online retailers for Europe. I’ll see what happens next… :smiley:

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