Playback + VE Pro Templates for Cremona Quartet (Uploaded)

Happy New Year, dear colleagues! :slight_smile:
I wish long life, good health, happiness, music, passion and success to all of you! :slight_smile:
Here is my present for you:
Template for the awesome Cremona String Quartet Library. :slight_smile:
The whole needed information could be found in the Cremona Quartet and VE Pro README.pdf

Here is the zip file which includes - Project, VE Pro Template, Dorico Playback Template and README:
Cremona String Quartet + VE Pro Playback Template
The zip file is bigger than the size allowed by the forum, so it is uploaded on Dropbox

N.B: 24.01.2021 - I did an Expression Maps and Playback Template update /Legato+Thrill (half -step) and Legato+Thrill (whole-step)/
Cremona String Quartet (8.3 KB)

I wish successful year to all of you! :slight_smile:

Best wishes,