Cubase 12 hangs on "initialising video player"

The program stops at the video player initialization message. Windows task manager says the program is not responding


Sorry for the inconvenience. Could you please check if there might be a conflict with your Anti Virus software?

If you are not requiring the Video player right now, you can also remove the component for the time being to start Cubase.

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I’m getting startup hanging at “Initializing video player” too.

I hope that you don’t mind, that I have changed the title of the topic.


How can i do this? Delete videoengine.dll file?

O, thanks

Thanks - it seems to have jumped video player ok, now it’s hanging on Chord Pads

Or just move it. If you haven’t it yet, it’s here: C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Cubase 12\Components

Having the same issue in Win11. Task manager says ‘Checking licenses’ is unresponsive and the Cubase loading screen is stuck on ‘Video engine’.

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Deleted this file, Cubase started. But after changing the language and rebooting next start Cubase hangs on “initializing VST Mixer”

Ok. Could you please give us some more details on your system?

MacBookPro a1278, Win10

Same problem here. Windows 11, latest updates for everything installed.
Cubase Bug

I will probably continue to work in version 11 until fix 12 comes out

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Windows 10 fully up to date

Try reinstalling the graphics driver. That seems to helped some people on the Cubase Users FB page that had the same problem.

I did this. It didn’t work for me.

same here hangs on video startup, tried removing the files as advised then hangs on chord pads !


Could you please try to move (or backup and delete) your preferences folder and then start Cubase?

Wouldn’t that be the same as selecting “Disable program preferences” in the “Application was Terminated Unexpectedly” dialogue?