It seems that this exact issue may have been reported before but went without meaningful investigation or solution:
I’ve made a minimal project equipped with MIDI Monitors to demonstrate the issue. The screenshot shows the results across tracks with deep negative delays (and one without to compare). It seems the nodes of the CC curves ( not the generated events between the nodes) are causing issues with some “prefetch” buffer when the negative delay is substantially increased. Also, the issue seems to worsen if the “MIDI Latency Mode” in Edit > Preferences… > MIDI is lowered; however, I could only recreate that having any effect with my actual orchestration project, not with this simplified example. Bringing the setting to it’s max (“High”) did practically nothing for me, and the screenshot here was generated with the setting to “High” as well.
The more nodes used, the more opportunities there seems to be for scrambled CC data. The misbehavior is also consistent throughout each playback (no randomness).
For me, this is causing erratic MIDI CC behavior for a sample library capable of utilizing a 400ms lookahead (Modern Scoring Strings by Audiobro). The MIDI Monitors reveal a lot of out-of-order events, and some events aren’t even arriving in the order they’re “positioned” (according to “Position” column). The out-of-order-ness of this is also apparent when using an external MIDI monitor as well (Kontakt factory multiscript) which verifies that this isn’t just a bug of Cubase’s MIDI Monitor effect.
Hopefully I’ll be able to provide enough info so the devs can perhaps get to the bottom of this one. I’m aware that these CC curves are relatively new to Cubase, so it could be as simple as an uncaught oversight. One can hope.
Screenshot (mistakenly) taken in Cubase 11.0.20, but I’ve gotten the same results in Cubase 12.0.20.
In case there are issues with the project file (as I’ve never shared a *.cpr file before), the project is just 3 MIDI tracks named after their negative delay values each with a MIDI Monitor MIDI insert. Each track has the same MIDI data: no notes, just the CC data as shown in the screenshot. Also, each track has both their Input Routing and Output Routing set to “Not Connected” as an attempt to exclude the influence of other MIDI devices. There is a measure of silence before the shown MIDI plays (necessary given the large negative delays). Tempo is at 100bpm though it doesn’t matter if it’s at the default 120bpm. I’m pretty sure that’ll get anyone a solid recreation of the project.
TrackDelayCCTest.cpr (121.5 KB)